Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Vapor Supply Ohio Online Magazine (referred to as “the Company”) is committed to conducting its business operations in an ethical and responsible manner. We strive to uphold human rights, promote fair labor practices, and combat modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking within our organization and supply chains.

Our Policies and Practices:

  1. Compliance with Laws: The Company complies with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor. We expect the same commitment from our employees, suppliers, contractors, and business partners.
  2. Ethical Business Conduct: We maintain a strong company culture that promotes integrity, transparency, and respect for human rights. Our employees are provided with clear guidelines and training on ethical conduct, including the prohibition of modern slavery and human trafficking.
  3. Supply Chain Due Diligence: We are committed to ensuring that our supply chains are free from modern slavery and human trafficking. We undertake due diligence processes to identify and assess potential risks within our supply chains. This includes evaluating our suppliers’ policies and practices regarding labor standards, worker welfare, and human rights.
  4. Supplier Expectations: We expect our suppliers and business partners to share our commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking. We strive to work with suppliers who adhere to recognized international labor standards and who demonstrate a commitment to fair and ethical business practices.
  5. Audits and Assessments: We may conduct periodic audits or assessments of our suppliers and supply chains to verify compliance with our policies. These assessments may include site visits, interviews, document reviews, and other appropriate measures to evaluate labor conditions and identify any potential risks or violations.
  6. Reporting and Whistleblower Protection: We encourage all employees, suppliers, contractors, and stakeholders to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery or human trafficking. We have implemented robust reporting mechanisms and ensure that all reports are treated confidentially and investigated thoroughly. We prohibit retaliation against individuals who report in good faith.
  7. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continually reviewing and improving our policies, practices, and processes to ensure the effective prevention and detection of modern slavery and human trafficking. We actively seek opportunities for collaboration with relevant stakeholders to address these issues collectively.

Responsibility and Accountability:

Responsibility for the implementation of this Modern Slavery Statement rests with the management of Vapor Supply Ohio Online Magazine. They are responsible for ensuring that our policies and practices are effectively communicated, understood, and upheld throughout the organization.

This statement will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect any changes in our policies or business practices.


Vapor Supply Ohio Online Magazine is dedicated to promoting ethical conduct, human rights, and social responsibility. We are committed to combating modern slavery and human trafficking, both within our organization and throughout our supply chains. By working together, we can contribute to the eradication of these heinous practices and create a better and more equitable world.

For any inquiries regarding this Modern Slavery Statement, please contact us at +1 2522 55500 250 .

Date of Statement: 26-7-2023
